The Department of Pathology offers a four year combined anatomic and clinical pathology ACGME-accredited residency program with twelve positions.  

Anatomic pathology rotations include:

  • surgical pathology (neuropathology, pediatric pathology, hospital pathology, dermatopathology, Immunopathology / immunohistochemistry),
  • cytopathology,
  • forensic pathology,
  • renal pathology, and
  • neuropathology.

Clinical pathology rotations include:

  • hematology / hematopathology (includes flow cytometry/coagulation),
  • medical microscopy/urinalysis,
  • microbiology (includes bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology),
  • blood bank/transfusion medicine (includes tissue typing/HLA),
  • Chemistry (includes serology and immunology),
  • toxicology,
  • molecular pathology,
  • cytogenetics,
  • virology, and
  • laboratory management/informatics.

Residents participate in yearly research projects, present at a local forum, and are encouraged to submit their research for publication. There are multiple departmental and interdepartmental teaching opportunities for residents.


Our program has a combined two year anatomic and clinical pathology curriculum as well as daily sign-out conferences with a variety of surgical pathology staff using a multi-headed microscope. 


Why should you choose our program?

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The primary goal of the residency-training program is to prepare the resident for a career practicing anatomic and clinical pathology in a community service-oriented hospital or laboratory, or to practice in an academic institution.  The resident must gain skills in interpreting surgical biopsies, performing and interpreting frozen sections (intra-operative consultations), performing and interpreting autopsy findings, performing and interpreting cells obtained from fine needle aspiration, interpreting cytology samples, and interpreting laboratory data in hematology, chemistry, microbiology, molecular pathology, and transfusion medicine (blood bank).  The resident will develop skills in management and informatics.  In addition, the resident will learn to participate in basic or clinical research related to pathology.



Upon completion of this program, the graduate must have successfully developed the following ACGME General Competencies:

Our Leadership

Diana Veillon, MD

Diana Veillon, MD

Professor of Pathology and Translational Pathobiology, Residency Program Director
Menchu Ong, MD

Menchu Ong, MD

Professor of Pathology and Translational Pathobiology, Assistant Residency Program Director

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