The Research Division in Pathology and Translational Pathobiology includes six tenure-track and two research-track scientists with research programs focused on the major causes of human disability and death.


Our department is the only department at LSU Health Shreveport that simultaneously participates in the training of clinicians, clinician scientists, and basic scientists within the same environment.


What is Pathology?

Pathology, derived from the Greek work for suffering (pathos), examines the essential nature of human diseases, including the structural and functional changes that produce them.  The field of Pathology is inherently integrative, utilizing the examination of molecular, cellular, and tissue structure and function to understand, diagnose, and treat human disease. 

Although Pathology is generally viewed as a medical discipline, individuals with PhDs in Pathology utilize a background in cell and molecular biology coupled with advanced training in disease processes to make critical advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. 


NIH Extramural Funding


The Department of Pathology and Translational Pathobiology currently receives over $5.3 million in annual NIH funding*

Despite our small size (6 tenure track faculty), we currently have more funding than any other department on campus and rank #43 nationally in NIH funding for Pathology Departments

The department houses one of two CoBRE grants on campus and the only T32 training grant at LSU Health Shreveport.

*2021 Report Blue Ridge Research Institute



Our PhD Program

The new PhD program in Pathology and Translational Pathobiology will train and foster exceptional leaders, innovators, and problem solvers in biomedical research that aid in disease prevention by developing effective treatments and cures.  Our curriculum couples training in cell and molecular biology, animal models, histology, advanced pathology, and student-specific electives to create a unique training environment centered upon the in-depth understanding of human disease.  Students will gain extensive research experience with our Research Division faculty, all of whom have successfully competed for extramural funding.  

The ultimate goal of this program is to develop graduates capable of elucidating the mechanisms and origins of human disease at the molecular and/or organismal level and to provide students the opportunity to translate mechanistic insights gained at the bench to clinically relevant applications.  The job market for highly skilled individuals with molecular pathology experience extends into a wide variety of sectors, such as academic, biotech, government, and public health. 

→ LEARN MORE about our PhD Program


Latest News Highlights

Dr. Xinggui Shen working in the laboratory on a research project in the field of pathology.

Research Division

Pathology & Translational Pathobiology

A. Wayne Orr, PhD

A. Wayne Orr, PhD

Professor and Director of the Research Division for Pathology and Translational Pathobiology, Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and Sciences