North Louisiana Forensic Sciences Center
1630 Tulane Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71103
(318) 227-2889
The Division of Anatomic Pathology has over 25 full-time faculty members. Serving both the northwest region of Louisiana as well as other areas of the country through outreach services, the department receives a unique and fascinating blend of case material, research, and teaching opportunities. Diagnostic consensus sign out conferences multiple times per week provide the framework for diagnostic excellence in the many subspecialty areas. Anatomic Pathology has a diverse list of specialties with faculty participating in a daily subspecialty sign-out.
Anatomic Subspecialties
Autopsy Pathology
The primary purpose of an autopsy is to assist in providing information, knowledge, closure and healing to an individual's family. Our compassionate team of experts strongly believe in preserving the dignity and privacy of each patient and their family by treating the patient in the same manner we would treat one of our own. We are committed to performing our services efficiently and accurately to achieve minimal delay in releasing the decedent to a designated funeral home. LSU Health Shreveport Pathology Autopsy Services offers three categories of autopsy: medical, private, and forensic. For more information, please contact the Medical Director of Autopsy services at (318) 675-5865.
The North Louisiana Forensics Sciences Center is an 83,000 sq. ft. state of the art facility that officially opened its doors in August 2017 at 1630 Tulane Avenue nearby the LSU Health Shreveport campus. This facility employs 60+ staff members and boasts greater capacities and capabilities than the original Crime Lab building located at 1115 Brooks Street.
Forensic Pathology and a full range of criminalistics services will be offered. The Forensic Pathology Unit has the capability to provide autopsy services throughout the entire northern half of the state and attract cases from other counties throughout the Ark-La-Tex area. Criminalistics Services will include the following: DNA Analysis, Controlled Substance Analysis, Blood Alcohol Analysis, Trace Evidence Analysis (hair, fibers, paint, arson, glass, etc.), Firearms/Ballistics/Toolmark Analysis, Questioned Documents Analysis, Latent Print Examination, Vehicle Accident Reconstruction, and Crime Scene Investigation. The groundwork has been laid to eventually incorporate a Forensic Toxicology Unit that will be able to process quantitative drug analysis for the entire state of Louisiana. That analysis, and some of the processing of other forensic evidence provided by law enforcement, has to be sent out of state along with Louisiana tax dollars to complete that work. Once implemented, those funds and services can stay here in Louisiana where they belong.
The architecture of the energy efficient NLFSC was specifically designed to create an optimal environment for forensic sciences. The enormous wall of windows on the façade is intentional and its purpose is to allow as much natural light in as possible. This creates a more favorable condition for the examination of evidence as opposed to artificial light. Housed within is a main autopsy suite with the capability of performing four autopsies simultaneously, a large evidence storage room, a 100 body cooler, and a remote testimony studio that allows analysts and forensic pathologists to provide video conferencing expert testimony directly into the court room.
The construction of the North Louisiana Forensics Sciences Center created an important academic partnership with LSU Health Shreveport and will serve as part of the forensic pathology training offered to the medial student and pathology residents, along with other allied health personnel. This impressive facility will not only serve the residents of northern Louisiana in meeting its forensics sciences needs but will also serve as an indispensable tool for teaching our next generation of pathologists for years to come.
Breast Pathology
Our team of breast pathology experts is committed to evaluating and accurately classifying breast tissue specimens. In addition to diagnosis, we also offer ancillary testing in the field of breast pathology such as hormone receptor (ER, PR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2/neu) status. Knowing the exact type of breast cancer and the specifics of its prognostic factors is critical to creating a treatment plan unique to each patient. Pathologists meet weekly with surgical, radiology, and oncology experts in the field of breast disease to discuss each patient’s unique pathology and further assist in treatment plans.
Cytopathology is the subspecialty of pathology that studies and diagnoses diseases by examining individual cells. The first cytopathology test developed was the Pap test which is widely used for screening and diagnosing cervical cancer. The practice of cytopathology has since expanded to include sampling from nearly all body sites. Specimens include but are not limited to fine needle aspirations, body fluids, and cervical/vagina pap smears. A one year ACGME accredited fellowship program is offered.
Our staff has over 14 years of experience in preparing cytology specimens from cervical/vaginal/anal pap smears, body fluids, and fine needle aspirations. A ThinPrep imaging system for cervical/vaginal pap smears is also available in our lab.
Our cytotechnologists each have 10+ years of experience in cytology screening and rapid onsite examination of fine needle aspirations. In house reflex Human Papilloma Virus genotyping is available with rapid turnaround time.
We offer rapid onsite examination for hospital inpatients and University Health clinics. We also provide fine needle aspiration interpretation for outreach patients.
Message from our Director of Cytopathology
Dr. Ashley Flowers
Cytology is an exciting field that encompasses the diagnostic aspect of pathology where the diagnoses are made by the study of cells instead of the study of histologic sections as in surgical pathology. The field of Cytology is divided into exfoliative and aspiration cytology. Exfoliative cytology includes gynecologic cytology (the Pap Test), anal paps, fluids, to include cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), urine, pleural, peritoneal fluids, bronchial washes as well as, ureteral, esophageal, and bronchial brushes.
Aspiration cytology is the field where tissues, primarily tumors, are sampled by means of a needle. Virtually all organs can be sampled by needle. Rapid interpretation can be offered at the bedside or immediately after a radiologic assisted biopsy. Any palpable mass is amenable to sampling and it is for the most part performed by a pathologist. The deep aspirates (non-palpable) are performed by radiologists.
The field of aspiration biopsy, called fine needle aspiration (FNA), has advanced the field of Cytology and made it to be on par with Surgical Pathology in the diagnostic arena. The power of the FNA service is that it allows the cytopathologist to be in a very important and central position in the field of diagnostic pathology. The cytopathologist is an integral part of the medical team since he or she gets consulted in the case of most nodules/masses found. In many occasions, the FNA obtains the diagnosis while the surgical/core biopsy inadequately samples the mass. Performing rapid interpretation on FNA biopsies is rewarding, challenging, and a big responsibility since the cytopathologist, after examining the tissue, is responsible for obtaining and triaging the tissue for as many tests as necessary and in the proper fashion. If necessary, tissue is obtained for flow cytometry, cell block for IHC and/or molecular testing, or glutaraldehyde for electron microscopy in order to take care of the patient in the most efficient manner.
The field of cytology is exciting and relevant since it is at the center of diagnostic medicine. We established the Cytopathology Fellowship in 1996 accepting 2 fellows since 1999. Our Fellowship is structured. There are a series of lectures, Journal Club and conferences including those with glass slides around our 18 head microscope. Our fellows, like our residents, engage in interdepartmental conferences, presenting cases to clinicians, and in yearly research projects that they present in national conferences and publish their work in recognized journals.
Meet our Board Certified Cytopathology Faculty:
Ashley Flowers, MD
Associate Clinical Professor of Pathology and Translational Pathobiology, Director of Cytopathology, Cytopathology Fellowship Director
Jehan Abdulsattar, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Translational Pathobiology
We offer two ACGME accredited cytopathology fellowship positions. Click here to apply to our fellowship program.
The fellowship program is designed to provide advanced training in the interpretation of gynecologic and non-gynecologic specimens and fine needle aspiration biopsies. The fellow will be exposed to EBUS and EUS specimens as well. The training includes the use and interpretation of immunohistochemistry, ultrastructural and molecular pathology. Two months of an elective of your choice is available which may be dedicated entirely to research.
Dermatopathology focuses on the study of cutaneous diseases to include both neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases. Pathologists specializing in dermatopathology are highly trained and board certified in this subspecialty. With more than 1500 different disorders of the skin, pathologists utilize microscopy, immunofluorescence, and special stains to assist clinicians in better understanding the disease process in each patient.
Gastrointestinal Pathology
Gastrointestinal pathology focuses on diseases both neoplastic and non-neoplastic of the digestive tract and accessory organs such as the liver and pancreas. With the aid of light microscopy and special stains, the specialized GI pathologist evaluates biopsies and works closely with a team of GI physicians to better aid in the diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of gastrointestinal diseases.
Genitourinary Pathology
Genitourinary pathology service evaluates and characterizes both neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease of the urinary tract, male genital tract, testes, and kidney. Genitourinary pathologists work closely with urologic surgeons to provide accurate diagnosis and assist in better patient care.
GU Pathology studies the male genital tissue and urinary tract system of the body to evaluate presence of disease and assist in therapeutic interventions as clinically indicated. LSU Health Shreveport has highly qualified staff to assist you with any question in this area.
GU Pathology testing can include, but is not limited to:
- Specimen Preparation and Processing
- Special Stains
- Electron Microscopy
- Pathologist Review and Interpretation
- Sign-out Pathologist, Fellow, and Resident Group Review
Gynecologic Pathology
Gynecologic pathology focuses on disease that affects the female reproductive system, including the ovary, uterus, cervix, and vulva. Our highly experienced gynecologic pathologists work closely with clinicians to provide comprehensive pathology services, and they are passionate about women’s health, education, and research.
Head and Neck/Endocrine Pathology
The diverse subspecialty of head, neck, and endocrine pathology includes neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases from the anatomic zones of the oral cavity, sinonasal tract, larynx, hypopharynx, salivary gland, ear, temporal bone, neck, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal gland. We offer molecular testing of tumors in addition to routine pathology services and immunohistochemistry. Pathologists participate in weekly interdepartmental conferences with surgery, radiology, and oncology to further assist in patient care.
Medical Renal Pathology
Medical renal pathology is a subspecialty that studies non-neoplastic disease processes of the kidney. Our specialized team works closely with nephrologists for comprehensive patient care. Standard processing of all medical renal biopsies includes evaluation by light microscopy, immunofluorescence, and transmission electron microscopy.
Renal Consultative Services offers consultations in renal pathology and urologic pathology (notably renal neoplasia); both represent subspecialties of diagnostic interest and academic productivity. The services provide the highest quality diagnostic service through timely, accurate diagnoses and personalized direct communication between our specialized renal pathologist and the referring nephrologist or pathologist. It is our hope that LSU Health Shreveport Renal Pathology Consultative Services can partner with you in providing the highest caliber service to your patients.
A renal biopsy is a precious specimen. Its miniscule size is deceptive because of the large quantity of information it harbors, information vital to understanding the etiology, treatment, and prognosis of your patient. It is imperative, therefore, that this tissue be handled not only in an expeditious fashion, and but also properly interpreted.
Testing performed includes:
- Native kidney biopsies
- Surgical consult / slides
- Transplant biopsies
- Light microscopy
- Immunofluorescent microscopy
- Electron microscopy
Neuromuscular and Ophthalmic Pathology
Neuromuscular and ophthalmic pathology specialty offers comprehensive services for the evaluation of central nervous system, nerve, muscle, and ophthalmic disease. The results of biopsies and special studies such as enzyme histochemistry and electron microscopy are interpreted by a specialized team of pathologists with fellowship training and board certification in this area.
Neuromuscular Pathology studies diseases of the nervous system and the muscles. LSU Health Shreveport has highly qualified staff to assist you with any question in this area.
Neuromuscular Pathology testing can include, but is not limited to:
- Specimen Preparation and Processing
- Special Stains - histochemical and immunohistochemical
- Electron Microscopy
- Pathologist Review and Interpretation
- Sign-out Pathologist, Fellow, and Resident Group Review
Pediatric Pathology
Pediatric pathology incorporates the diagnosis and characterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of children. Our fellowship trained pediatric pathologist works closely with clinicians and examines samples from a variety of locations to evaluate for childhood diseases.
Pulmonary and Thoracic Pathology
Pulmonary pathology service includes a variety of biopsy and resection specimens from areas of the lung, trachea, bronchi, pleura, lymph nodes, and chest wall. This service functions to evaluate both neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases to include lung carcinomas and interstitial lung disease. Ancillary testing in the form of special stains and molecular pathology is also available to help formulate a specialized and unique treatment plan for each patient. The pulmonary pathology service participates in weekly interdepartmental conferences with surgery, radiology, and oncology to further assist in patient care.TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Electron microscopy is a technique to examine tissue at a subcellular level. Structures within cells are magnified thousands of times in search of abnormalities to assist in the diagnosis of disease. Transmission electron microscopy is performed on all medical renal biopsies, transplant biopsies, and selected tumor specimens.
Electron Microscopy studies cells at the ultrastructural level to aid in the diagnosis of disease. We provide high resolution images as part of a consultative workup, as appropriate, or as a technical only service for those requiring images only. LSU Health Shreveport has highly qualified staff to assist you with any question in this area. Electron Microscopy Pathology testing can include, but is not limited to:
- Chemical fixation
- Dehydration
- Embedding and sample preparation
- Photography / Digital Imaging
- Pathologist Review and Interpretation